The research team of the Centre for Artificial Intelligence comprises the following research groups active in various fields of artificial intelligence.
Laboratory for Financial and Risk Analytics (LAFRA)
Prof. Zvonko Kostanjčar
Research in LAFRA focuses on the development of stochastic models, statistical methods and machine learning algorithms for the analysis of financial data, automated trading systems and advanced financial technology.
Text Analysis and Knowledge Engineering Lab (TakeLab)
Prof. Jan Šnajder
Through scientific research in the fields of computer science statistical machine learning, natural language processing and information retrieval, the goal is to discover new knowledge, enable machine understanding of the text written in natural language and respond to the information needs of users.
Laboratory for autonomous systems and mobile robotics (LAMOR)
Prof. Ivan Petrović
Research activities of LAMOR include areas of autonomous systems and mobile robotics, which are focussed on mobile robot localization and modeling of the space in which they perform, detection and tracking of moving objects in the surrounding, and mobile robot motion planning and control for the purpose of task execution.
Laboratory for Bioinformatics and Computational Biology (LBCB)
Prof. Mile Šikić
The laboratory aims to research and educate in the following fields: whole-genome sequence analysis, sequence alignment, metagenomics, prediction of protein interactions, multi-core, many-core and inter-core parallelization, features and emergence of complex networks and epidemic spread in networks.
Social Networking and Computing Laboratory (socialLAB)
Prof. Vedran Podobnik
The laboratory is designing, implementing and evaluating the next generation of recommender systems – a social recommender; as well as analysing effects of employing social networking as a marketing tool. We study how corporate social networking can improve business practices within companies and explore ways how implicit social networking can be a driver of innovation in one particular industry – telecommunications.
Laboratory for Special Purpose Information Systems (LaSPIS)
Prof. Krešimir Fertalj
Laboratory brings together researchers-specialists in specific areas of method development of algorithms and data structures, and software for special purposes, heterogeneous and mobile data storage systems, business intelligence, GIS systems, the system for e-learning and artificial intelligence.
Information Security and Privacy Lab (LISP)
Assist. Prof. Stjepan Groš
The lab brings together scientists from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing University of Zagreb focusing on cyber and information security and privacy. The Laboratory offers research, consulting and education services to businesses and government institutions. A significant part of the activities of the Laboratory is focused on the use of artificial intelligence in solving cyber and information security and privacy issues.
Internet of Things Laboratory (IoTLab)
Prof. Ivana Podnar Žarko
The aim of the Laboratory is to carry out laboratory and intensify research and innovation activities in the field of Internet of things in order to develop innovative services and software platforms for networking of a large number of different devices and in particular to encourage multidisciplinary research related to the improvement of living conditions in cities.
Multimedia Quality of Experience Research Laboratory (MUEXLab)
Prof. Lea Skorin-Kapov
The MUEXLab conducts multidisciplinary research in the areas of User Experience (UX) and Quality of Experience (QoE) of advanced multimedia services such as multiparty audiovisual communications, video streaming, virtual/augmented reality, and networked games. Research focuses on assessing/modeling QoE, and QoE management and optimization mechanisms in communication networks.
Advanced Shape Reconstruction and Registration Laboratory (SHARK Lab)
Prof. Tomislav Pribanić
The areas of research include methods and algorithms of computer vision for 3D reconstruction and 3D registration, also including the use of sensors from mobile platforms such as smartphones and tablets for this purpose; as well as procedures for calibration of 3D systems, particularly for applications in biomedicine and optimal ways of processing the output 3D data suitable for further use, for example, for preparing 3D printing.
Image Processing Laboratory (LOS)
Prof. Sven Lončarić
Activities of the Laboratory are focused on research in the theory and applications of image processing and computer vision in diverse areas such as the processing and analysis of images in biomedicine, visual inspection of the quality of products for industrial automation, computer vision for advanced driver assistance systems and biometric systems for signature verification.
Laboratory for Underwater Systems and Technologies (LAPOST)
Prof. Nikola Mišković
The laboratory is engaged in applied research and development of unmanned aerial vehicles (underwater and surface), and development and innovation in the field of marine technology. The laboratory is very active in the implementation of international projects (EU FP7 and H2020, NATO, Office of Naval Research).
Laboratory for Pattern Recognition and Biometric Security Systems (RUBIOSS)
Prof. Siniša Šegvić
The aim of the Laboratory is development and promotion of research in these areas, and the use of research results in the development of systems such as: system for automatic analysis of games in group sports based on computer vision, intelligent system for the localization of objects in the stereoscopic images and videos of traffic environment, systems for detection and tracking of faces in group scenes, systems for automatic identification of persons in video surveillance systems, and systems for automatic identification of persons based on fusion of biometric features.
Laboratory for Robotics and Intelligent Control Systems (LARICS)
Prof. Zdenko Kovačić
Laboratory research activities are related to the following topics and areas: Integrated control of robots and processes; intelligent control systems; control of production systems (planning and distribution of tasks); control of multiagent autonomous systems; professional service robotics; control of autonomous aircraft; biologically inspired robotics (humanoid, walking robots); heterogeneous robotic systems; robot application in the diagnosis of autism; application of artificial intelligence in robotics etc.
Human-Oriented Technologies Laboratory (HOTLab)
Prof. Igor S. Pandžić
In our research, we explore and develop technological means to analyse and simulate people and their behavior, with a strong interest in applications of such technologies. We blend techniques from various fields, including computer vision, machine learning, computer graphics, virtual and augmented reality, to achieve goals such as face tracking, gaze tracking, performance animation, emotion estimation, gender and age estimation, and face-based augmented reality experiences.
Laboratory for application of information technologies in education (eduLab)
Prof. Ivica Botički
The Laboratory promotes research and innovation in various aspects of computer assisted education. Edulab serves as a platform to connect and inform the students on the scientific activity of members of the laboratory, but also as a platform for connecting with the industry, and ultimately as a medium through which students will be able to find a job in the area of their expertise and in companies that they have interested for.
Laboratory for Renewable Energy Systems (LARES)
Prof. Mario Vašak
Built on the premises of control theory and applications, LARES contributes to improving the exploitation and competitiveness of wind energy, solar energy, storage systems, microgrid, energy efficiency in buildings, transport systems, and water distribution systems.
Data Streams Laboratory (StreamsLab)
Prof. Krešimir Pripužić
The mission of the laboratory is to conduct research and development activities in the field of data stream processing, to improve networking and increase the visibility of researchers in the international research space, to transfer knowledge to the Croatian economy for the development of new products and services, and to organize teaching and involve students in project tasks in this field.
Laboratory for Assistive Technologies and Alternative and Augmentative Communication (ICT-AAC)
Prof. Željka Car
Research activity of the Laboratory in the field of assisted communication based on information and communication technology, including collaboration with scientists in the field of education, rehabilitation, psychology and graphic science and is focused on new methods of implementation of accessibility of services of information and communication technology, by applying the concept of collective awareness platforms for sustainability and social innovation.
Stohastic Optimization Learning and Visualization Laboratory (SOLVE)
Prof. Domagoj Jakobović
The research activities of the laboratory focus on the application of evolutionary computing procedures, stochastic optimization, machine learning, and visualization procedures. In addition, the laboratory's activities are directed towards researching efficient algorithms, developing new optimization methods, applying optimization and machine learning in real-life situations, and integrating these technologies to solve complex problems.